September 6, 2017

Building an Episerver Component with Dojo including Localization and Context

I'm rather torn about whether or not to break this up into multiple, topical posts as it threatens to be a bit long. We'll see how it goes... (ended up being one very long post)

I recently released a new "Page Preview" package for Episerver 10+ that adds a (somewhat large and obvious) Page Preview button to the author components / gadgets. The add-on is documented in the Git repo linked. This article (or series) is more about creating such a gadget - I'm going to keep it as high-level and logical as I can.

My add-on uses a Partial Router to function, which is merely utilized by the functionality the add-on is meant to provide, not core to the fact that it is a component. So though that is in my code, it's not covered here. I do cover building a partial router in the docs I wrote for my Episerver Ascend 2017 presentation and the topic is definitely worth a Google if you've a mind to check it out.